Friday, March 4, 2016

Will it be too late?

Will it be too late
When we have the eyes to behold
The colors of love that before us unfold

Will it be too late
When we have the ears to hear
The chorus of peace beyond the fear

Will it be too late
When we have the will to live
Grateful enough to generously give

Will it be too late
When we have the hands to heal
To bind the wound and heartache feel

Will it be too late
When we have mind to know
The words we use do morrows sow

Will it be too late
When we have the conscience to be
No longer driven by unholy decree

Will it be too late
When we have the tongue to speak
Courage from the soul of the wisely meek

Will it be too late
When the shadows lift
And light reveal through subtle shift
The glory and truth beneath our feet,
The light around and within replete;
The whisper of stars telling the tale
Of inheritance that's ours beyond this vale;
The wonder and bliss which before us wait,
For us to receive before too late?

© 2016 Stephen Carl

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